DIJフォーラム「The Mountains Belong to Everybody? Conflicts About Recreational Forest use in Austria and Japan」
The Mountains Belong to Everybody?
Conflicts About Recreational Forest use in Austria and Japan
ドイツ日本研究所 さま より講演会のお知らせです。
Recreational outdoor sports, such as hiking, mountain biking, and trail running are enjoying increased popularity in Japan and worldwide. Proponents argue that these activities contribute to physical and mental health on the one hand and bring about economic and social benefits for rural areas on the other. At the same time there are concerns of over-use and environmental degradation. Focusing on mountain biking, Prof. Yuichiro Hirano and Prof. Wolfram Manzenreiter will be comparing the current situation in Austria and Japan and try to line out possible futures for sustainable outdoor tourism that benefits rural areas and protect the environment equally.
日 時 | 2019年8月1日(木)18:30~20:00 |
会 場 | ドイツ日本研究所 ≫アクセス (東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1 上智紀尾井坂ビル 2F) |
参加費 | 入場無料(登録が必要) |
登壇者 | 平野 悠一郎 氏(森林総合研究所 筑波大主任研究員/筑波大学大学院 生命環境科学研究科 准教授) Wolfram Manzenreiter 氏(ウィーン大学 教授) |
詳 細 | https://www.dijtokyo.org/ja/event/the-mountains-belong-to-everybody-conflicts-about-recreational-forest-use-in-austria-and-japan/ |
お問合せ ・申し込み |
ドイツ日本研究所 Mail:forum@dijtokyo.org Tel:03-3222-5198 Fax:03-3222-5420 WEB:www.dijtokyo.org |